artwork above by @hehymn on twitter

Welcome to my personal carrd

he/she/it/xe - late 20s - genderfluid - white - disabledcharacter artist from naarm, australiaspecialises in furries, people, bright colours, and romantic atmospheres.

About the Me :3

hello! my name is felix joosten and i'm a queer artist from naarm (also known as melbourne) in australia. i'm in my late 20s and my pronouns are he/it/she/xe, used interchangeably.i'm very lucky to be able to make a humble living from my art which is great because i'm chronically ill, so a regular day job wouldn't work for me.

you may recognise the dark brown cat on this webpage. his name is felix and he's my fursona and mascot for my twitch channel/brand.he's a kodkod, which is a small wild cat from chile. they're typically spotty little fellows, but felix is a melanistic one, which means he's black instead. his fur is a brownish colour because he spends so much time in the sun. :-)

Click here to go to the Plural Page

Plural Page

i'm plural, which i don't talk about super often, but i'm trying to get more comfortable discussing with others, for the sake of visibility.this is a little page dedicated to my alters, where you can learn more about them if you so choose.

What is Plurality?

plurality is the existence of multiple self-aware entities inside one physical can read more about plurality at the link below.More Than One

Brief System Info

the name of the system collectively is "the pit crew," however we prefer to be referred to as individuals.generally speaking when we are online on discord, social media, etc. you will be speaking to felix or felix and an alter sharing the consciousness. the most common alters you will speak to are alex, who can be a little abrasive, and mittens, who’s a bit of a a collective, we are happy to answer any questions or provide resources to anyone who thinks they may be plural or is looking for someone to talk to, as long as you're kind + respectful.

Alter Bios

portraits are either the alters themselves or their fursonas. we're all human/humanoid but some of us are very animal-aligned people.all portraits are either done by, or with the help of, the alter depicted. the only exceptions are artworks we've commissioned from other artists, and pit's portrait which beaux helped with as pit's no longer around.


🐈⬛ - he/she/it - 30s

felix is the current “host” or “primary” alter.
he is who you will generally speak to on social media and in DMs. she values his friends and enjoys socialising and creating. felix is a bit of a stoner and a casual friendly guy.


🔪 - he/him - age fluctuates

alex is the oldest alter in the system, he's been around a long time. his age can fluctuate a bit because of this. he's selectively mute, and often chooses not to speak. he can be a bit reactive, but he's trying to channel his anger into art.


🐱 - she/xe/it - adult

artwork by shikaskye on twitter

mittens is a newer alter. she's a bit silly and flirty and likes to have fun and make bad decisions. she's kind and wants to get to know everyone and she would love to meet up for coffee sometime.


🐮 - he/they - mid 30s

beaux is very much a caregiver. he's the one who takes over when we're too exhausted to take care of our body properly. beaux is the one who tends to set boundaries with others, and he can come across a bit paternal. he just cares a lot.


🍑 - he/him - mid 40s

pit was the previous host before felix. the system has been named after him for the profound effect he had on us. if you think he looks like a middle aged 12 year old that's because it's what he looked like, lol.


Are Commissions/Art Trades/Collabs/Requests open?

commissions - commissions are typically open, you can see my comm info at and slots typically open via social media.
art trades - art trades are open to mutuals, but i only take them on when i'm free.
collabs - the same as art trades, i only take them on when i'm free.
requests - requests are always closed, however i do giveaways on social media every now and then.

What do you use to draw?

digital art
i use a 2nd generation 12.9" ipad pro with an apple pencil for most of my digital art. the drawing app i use for the ipad is called procreate.
some of my art is done on my desktop computer with my mouse, in paint 3d, photoshop cs6, and paint tool sai.
traditional art
i use a combination of faber-castell and prismacolor coloured pencils for my coloured pencil work.
for my inks i currently use sakura microns, but i'm trying to upgrade to pigment based fine liners for darker inks.
for painting, i use gouache and acryla gouache, by himi and holbein respectively.
i use fimo air basic white air dry clay for my sculptures. i then paint them with holbein acryla gouache and glaze them with polyurethane varnish.

Can you give me art advice?

i'm happy to share resources (things like free texture packs i've found, or websites i find helpful), but i don't really give out art advice because i don't have all that much to share!
i'm still very early in my journey as an artist and i'm still learning every day. i think the best way to learn art is to make mistakes and try and figure out why you made them.

Can I DM you to be friends/to chat etc.?

you're welcome to dm me to chat, but i'm very busy so i may not be very fast to respond. if that's an issue for you and you start bothering me to reply to you, i'll probably block you, just a heads up.